Joey Marson '14
Joey Marson '14
Title: Solutions consultant at Salesforce (Ashburn, Va.)

Major and Grad Year: Business Administration, 2014

Athletic Accomplishments: As a member of the UMW lacrosse team, Joey played four years of Midfield. During those four years Joey was a two-year captain, who made the All-CAC team two times.

Why UMW: “I chose UMW for the team camaraderie that was evident when I visited during my HS senior year for a fall practice. The beautiful campus helped a lot too. My four years at UMW were some of the bests of my life. My teammates and I were super driven to be the best team possible and our hard work showed in our results on the field. Seven years later and I'm still extremely close with a number of guys that were on the team with me.”