UMW Athletics will complete the installation of field lighting this spring 2023, with an array of LED lights installed on D field at southwest edge of the Battleground Athletics Complex. The lights, which already have foundations and power installed, will focus on the field hockey and lacrosse field, offering evening game options on the home turf for men's and women's lacrosse, field hockey, and some men's and women's soccer games, starting in the fall 2023 season.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are lights being installed?
The sports performance lighting brings this field up to NCAA standards and keeps the UMW Eagles competitive with our peers for facility quality and available game times. It will allow extended use of an existing game and practice space.
When will the installation take place?
The installation is scheduled to start May 9, 2023, and take a few weeks. Since the six foundations and electricity are already in place, construction will be minimal. The light poles and arrays are the final step in the process.
What are the specifications of the lights?
The facility will have MUSCO LED lights on six poles. Each pole will hold 8-10 light fixtures. The illumination rate will be sufficient for live-TV coverage. The lights can also be programmed to various settings depending on the time of day and event.
What impact will the lights have on the surrounding area?
The lights are focused on the field and should have minimal "bleed" or light cast beyond the Battleground Complex boundaries. It should not cast much light beyond the rock wall at Hanover Street. To provide some context, the light spill at the rock wall will have a .20 foot candle reading. A standard street light has a foot candle reading of 2.0. The glare or candela reading at the rock wall have a rating of 7,200. By comparison, if you were to stare directly into a headlight of a vehicle, the candela reading would be 60,000.
How many night games will be scheduled?
In the first season, we plan to offer two home night games for each sport scheduled on the field. Games are expected to start around 6 to 7 p.m., with most concluding before 10 p.m. The lights are not scheduled to run overnight.
What other activities will be scheduled on the field using the lights?
Practices and periodic rentals may be scheduled, contingent on weather.
What if I have other concerns about noise or late-night activities?
Evening games will follow the same protocols as all UMW Athletics games, with sound taken into account according to area noise ordinances. If you have a concern, please contact UMW Athletics at 540-654-1039.
What funds are being used for the field lighting project?
The new lights are funded from University Reserves as part of a planned investment in the Battleground Athletics Complex. Additional improvements include modular locker rooms.
Will ticket prices increases due to the upgrades?
UMW's regular-season games continue to be free to the UMW community and general public. We invite you to campus to cheer on the Eagles!